Tag Archives: john owen

Owen, on the Holy Spirit, sonship and prayer

“A sense of God’s relation to us as a Father, is necessary to this delight [ie. prayer]. We may use other titles and appellations of God, but as a Father he is the ultimate object of all evangelical worship, of all our prayers: so it is expressed in that holy and divine description of it, given us by the apostle, “Through Christ we have access by the Spirit to the Father’ (Eph 2:18). No tongue can express, no mind can reach the heavenly placidness and soul – satisfying sweetness which are intimated in these words. Without a due apprehension of God in this relation, no man can pray as he ought; and we can have no sense hereof but by the Holy Ghost, who ‘bears witness with our spirits, that we are the children of God’ (Rom 8:16).”

John Owen, The Holy Spirit, 358.

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Owen, on how afflictions refine the believer


(Afflictions purify believers from sin.)

“And this they do by an efficacy communicated to them by the spirit of God; for by the cross of Christ, they were cut off from the curse of the first covenant, to which all their evils belonged, and implanted into the covenant of grace. The tree of the cross being cast into the waters of affliction, has rendered them wholesome and medicinal. Christ being the head of the covenant, all the afflictions of his members are originally his (Is 63:9), and they all tend to increase our conformity to him in holiness.”

John Owen (puritan), The Holy Spirit; His Gifts and Power, 296.

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